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Please provide some information about who your company is and what it does What we do. In today’s more challenging times business owners have ever more demands on their time and if not managed carefully we can all get dragged off course. “supporting SME leaders” are here to help you get back and stay on track. Is it time for you to do something about it? •Are you spending too much time working in your business rather than on your business? •Who can you really trust to bounce ideas off? •Have you lost your strategic direction? •Does your Bank Manager understand you and your business? •Does your marketing plan do what it should for you? •Is your break even point under control? •Are you struggling to get new customers? •What are your customers saying about you? Do you have an effective web strategy including mobile devices? •The next big advance in technology and user behaviour ….. has already happened •You may have owned a website for many years but how does your site look on a mobile device..? •How many people find your services on a mobile device..? If you do not know, you need to find out. •Marketing services across multiple mobile platforms has never been a big issue for businesses. •Now …. it is a huge problem because more than 90% of websites are not mobile compatible. •The good news is that implementing an effective mobile strategy is not difficult or expensive. •We can help you devise a cost effective seamless mobile strategy to take
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