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Please provide some information about who your company is and what it does Simon Crosfield & Co are your local specialist personal injury solicitors. We are experienced in all types of claim including: Road traffic accidents; accidents at work; accidents at shops and other premises; and holiday accidents abroad. We will ensure that your claim is pursued quickly and expertly. Because we are independent solicitors you have the assurance that we will always put your interests first and will ensure that you receive 100% of the damages that are due to you. Will there be any deduction from your damages? We guarantee that we will not take a penny from any amount awarded to you towards our own costs. Even if your claim is unsuccessful and you have no legal expenses insurance to pay our fees, then under the No Win No Fee Agreement, no costs. Please call us on 01765 69 22 77 if you would like to talk to us about your claim. Ask to speak to our claimant personal injury specialist David Dow - author of 'Personal Injury & Clinical Negligence Claims' published by College of Law Press.
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