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Please provide some information about who your company is and what it does LittleDrama is a new organisation which is based in Ripon and that devises and runs Drama, Music and Movement sessions for 1-5 year olds in Ripon, Harrogate and the surrounding areas. The sessions are run by Niki Morton (qualified in Early Years Education and in Teaching Performing Arts) and are educational, imaginative and engaging. The are designed to help all children feel confident, learn how to express themselves and above all - have fun! Currently LittleDrama runs sessions in Local Early Years settings, weekly Saturday morning sessions for 3-5's and mid-week sessions for 1-3's in Ripon. The sessions are suitable for children of all abilities as they are developed and practiced to be as inclusive as possible. You can contact Niki by emailing for more details on the sessions, her background, or enrolling your child. Alternitavely, please feel free to visit the website (, or join LittleDrama on facebook -
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